Virtual Counseling for Persistent Pain and Rare Disease in Los Angeles, San Francisco, & California

When you have pain, do you ever wonder, “will I ever be pain free? Or will the pain get worse?” Everything you do, from cleaning to going out, you think about your pain. You can’t do the things you used to enjoy, instead you feel trapped in your body. The pain either makes you feel hopeless and depressed or anxious and tense. There are times that you get angry with your body. You feel all alone in this. You don’t want to talk about the pain because you don’t want to complain. Your family and friends can only understand so much. Pain is running your life but it doesn’t have to.

Persistent Pain, pain lasting more than 3-6 months, is a complex issue. It involves body sensations, thoughts, and emotions. My name is Bahar. I am a Pain Therapist. Along with medical treatment, counseling is an important part of treating pain. I can help you understand and manage your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that come along with persistent pain. By learning to cope more effectively with pain, you may be able to reduce the intensity of your overall pain.

If you are ready to feel more calm, in control, and experience less pain, click here or contact me at (424) 225-1755.