The feelings are exhausting and difficult to manage. You know it all happened in the past, but for your body and mind it seems to be happening in the now. You keep reliving past experiences. It becomes easier to avoid the people and places that remind you of the trauma. The anxiety makes it difficult to focus. What does it take to feel normal again? Or just not have all these emotions.

My name is Bahar, and I am a trauma counselor. I help clients gets past traumatic events and be able to live in the present. Your past does not have to dictate your future. You don’t have to feel stuck, ashamed, all alone, or overwhelmed. I use evidenced based therapies, such as EMDR and Trauma Resiliency Model, that go beyond talking to help you feel in control and at ease again.

 If you are ready to feel more calm, in control, and experience less pain, click here or contact me at (424) 225-1755.